No matter when you start working toward a goal you are able to find a friend or a group of friends to help keep you accountable to your goal. Make sure to communicate your goal to others who will check in on you and help keep you accountable. If you pick someone to be your accountability partner who will feed you with negative energy you would be better off without one. I am including you in my accountability group and I would love to help you meet your goals too.
So what am I working on for the 30 Days of Hustle?
WHAT: As I looked over my goals for 2014 I thought it would be possible to accomplish my relational goal in the first 30 days of the year. For the hustle I will be creating a legacy box so that everything is organized to take care of my family if something happened to me. In order to get my box together I will need to:
- Write letters to my son/wife in the future to be opened on important dates.
- Update my will
- Organize our paperwork (insurance documents, investments accounts, etc.)
- Make some end of life decisions and get them on paper
WHY: I don't know when the Lord will be taking me home and I want to make sure I take care of my family to the best of my ability if that would happen sooner than I would hope for. I think it is important to be a good steward of what God has put into my care here on Earth and feel that this includes getting things in place for after my death.
HOW: The Legacy Journey program by Dave Rasmsey comes with a legacy box that I was not able to complete when I took the preview class without all the materials. I will be using that tool to help me put everything together in one spot. I have created a list of things I need to do in order to feel like the box is complete. Each day I will be looking at that list and creating, redoing, or finding what is needed to cross at least one thing off. When I finish putting the legacy box together I will be sitting down with my wife to make sure she understands everything that is in it and how to use it if she ever would need to. In order to keep it updated I have scheduled reminders for myself in my calendar to make sure to continue to update portions of it.
We may not be working on the same goals right not, but we can still encourage one another. What a goal you are working on accomplishing? Either post your goal here or join me on our facebook page.
We may not be working on the same goals right not, but we can still encourage one another. What a goal you are working on accomplishing? Either post your goal here or join me on our facebook page.
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